Vanderful / Seeds of Hope ODV
2019 - 2024

What is a KPI?
Certain nonprofit-specific key performance indicators (KPIs) can help nonprofits focus on their goals.
KPIs allow organisations to make informed decisions and measure the outcomes of those decisions.
Since 2019, Vanderful has been implementing educational workshops in several locations, primarily in Africa.
To find out more about each of our workshops, click the buttons below:
Give children the chance to play.

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Seeds of Hope ODV 2021®
Seeds of Hope ODV is an Italian registered
Volunteer Organisation / Organizzazione di Volontariato (C.F 94148280301)
Make a direct donation to Vanderful / Seeds of Hope ODV's Bank Account:
IT94 S087 1512 3000 0000 0727 402