Vanderful / Seeds of Hope ODV
2019 - 2024

This project continues our support for our collaborator Manuel from ‘Manu Shapes’ in Tofo, Mozambique, as well as strengthening our partnership with ‘Lwandi Surf’ a nonprofit organisation in Ponta do Ouro. We will bring two expert surfboard shapers to teach and share their knowledge of a sustainable and innovative shaping technique. This technique uses only natural materials that have almost zero impact on the ocean environment and will empower a new generation of sustainable artisans.
Mozambique has a wealth of opportunities to practice surfing, however, there’s limited infrastructure and equipment such as surfboards are made from polluting materials impacting and littering the ocean, along with being produced far way and they are expensive. Mozambique has enormous potential for this sport and tourism is beginning to boom. This project will equip local people with the skills to produce their own equipment, furthering their access to this sport with zero environmental impact.
We provide the knowledge, skills and business acumen to the young people who engage in our workshops. Through mentorship and guidance, we will begin a locally sourced and locally made production of sustainable surfing equipment such as wooden surfboards, accessories made out of recycled materials and natural surf wax. This will impact Mozambique’s economy and tourism industry by minimising its carbon footprint, taking giant steps towards sustainability whilst empowering the community.
Long-Term Impact
The project will equip young Mozambicans with the skills and knowledge that can be transcended into creative jobs, generating economic value for the community. It will eliminate the barriers to accessing this expensive, often polluting sport, by encouraging a respect for the ocean and the environment. By using only natural materials and hand tools, this project not only produces skilled artisans, but sustainability pioneers who empower their community whilst protecting the environment.
The young people of Tofo, Mozambique need a space to play and learn new skills in a supportive environment. Through a variety of fun and educational workshops, they will learn to express their feelings and needs, be mentored in sustainable practices and thrive by acquiring new skills that will uplift them out of the vicious cycle of poverty.
Mozambique has a young and rapidly expanding population and it has one of the lowest literacy rates in the region. School drop-out rates are high especially among girls, and education access continues to be a challenge. In Tofo, the young people do not have a space of their own; to play, to study or generally socialise in a safe environment.
A community centre will provide a safe, educational and fun place for young people to learn and socialise. Through Expressive Arts workshops, the children will work as a team, grow in confidence, which will help elevate their voices in the wider community. Through Surf Craftsmanship, they learn how to make wooden surfboards and accessories from natural ingredients, teaching them to respect nature by using sustainable practices and raise awareness about their impact on the environment.
Long-Term Impact
This project will educate and support children and young people in this community, empowering them to be leaders of positive change. Our long-term goal is to create a self-sustaining circular economy, elevating young people from poverty by removing them from the streets, engaging them in sustainable activities and offering them entrepreneurial, life changing opportunities, which will continuously impact their families’ well-being as well as their own.

This project will build / finance a craftsmanship workshop in Tofo Mozambique. Providing a space for Manuel from ‘Manu Shapes’ to teach young people skills in making wooden surfboards and surf accessories such as natural surf wax. As well as serving as a space for his entrepreneurial activities.
Mozambique has a young and rapidly expanding population and it has one of the lowest literacy rates in the region. School drop-out rates and education access continues to be a challenge. This results in high unemployment and lack of job opportunities. The surfing industry has only just emerged in Tofo and there are no surfboard manufacturers in the area. This workshop can provide a space for young people to learn valuable skills such as craftsmanship and business acumen.
By offering this workshop to young people in this area, it will remove them from lingering in the streets and help them develop their skills, embrace a new approach to life and earn a living at the same time through selling the products they design and create, along with learning a new profession and promoting sustainable practices by using natural and recycled materials.
Long-Term Impact
This project will educate young people in the community of Tofo, Mozambique supporting them and their families to rise out of poverty. This workshop will promote innovation in the growing surf industry in the country.
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Seeds of Hope ODV 2021®
Seeds of Hope ODV is an Italian registered
Volunteer Organisation / Organizzazione di Volontariato (C.F 94148280301)
Make a direct donation to Vanderful / Seeds of Hope ODV's Bank Account:
IT94 S087 1512 3000 0000 0727 402