Vanderful / Seeds of Hope ODV

2019 - 2024

During Vanderful Mozambique in 2019, ‘Manu Shapes’ was born out of the collaboration with Manuel a local surfer and ding repairer in Tofo.

Since then, Manu has been building and crafting Alaias, Paipos, Handplanes and Hollow-wooden surfboards.

Visit Manu’s FB page to learn more:

Manu Shapes Tofo

Gutsakisana is a children’s project that was initiated by Sonja and Mariana based at the Tofo Tofo restaurant in Tofo, Mozambique.

Vanderful Expressive Arts workshops were attended by Gutsakisana children and volunteers.

Visit Gutsakisana’s FB page to learn more:

Gutsakisana, Tofo

During Vanderful Angola in Cabo Ledo, AngolaWaves were one of our collaborators for Surf Craftsmanship.

They offered the team the amazing opportunity of attending ISA (International Surf Association) Training and introduced us many other collaborators in the area. 

AngolaWaves offer surf safari tours up and down the coast of Angola:


Carpe Diem Resort generously hosted us during Vanderful Angola 2019. Paulo Sergio, Daniel and their team became our Angolan family. 

The children of the local community attended both workshops and the final performance of ‘Chegas de Moscas, Vamos Limpar’ was held in the resort’s restaurant lounge. 

Check our Carpe Diem’s amazing location:

Carpe Diem Resort Tropical 

FADEN (Federação Angolana de Desportos Náuticos) is Angola’s sports association. 

Our team was lucky enough to be introduced to Olga and her wonderful team at the association. 

Thanks to FADEN, Vanderful had the opportunity of staying longer in Angola and collaborated with them on a second project further in-land. 


Following our introduction to FADEN we had the great pleasure of collaborating with Projeto Cuerama.

Vanderful implemented a Craftsmanship workshop building chess boards instead of surfboards and English immersion Expressive Arts. 

Visit Cuerama’s website to learn more about this incredible initiative.

This year, Vanderful are collaborating with Surf4Children ONLUS, an italian registered non-profit organisation.

Surf4Children’s mission is: Improve the quality of life and well-being of children and young people with special needs and their families in Italy and around the world through the promotion and practice of surfing.

Visit Surf4Children’s website for more information on the work they do in Italy and Sierra Leone.

Give children the chance to play.

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Seeds of Hope ODV 2021®

Seeds of Hope ODV is an Italian registered

Volunteer Organisation / Organizzazione di Volontariato (C.F 94148280301)

Make a direct donation to Vanderful / Seeds of Hope ODV's Bank Account:

IT94 S087 1512 3000 0000 0727 402 /